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A Letter to Pastors

I’m blessed to be a friend to many pastors … hundreds of them. I believe every pastor needs and deserves a friend who can listen to his challenges and dreams and respond with wisdom and godly counsel. I’m thankful that God has allowed me to be that kind of friend to so many pastors. Since I’m not emotionally attached to their situations or their teams, I can offer objective feedback, input, suggestions and/or solutions. I have said to many lead pastors over the years: “I could never do what you do, but if you’ll allow me to assist you, I can help you do what you do more effectively.”
After graduating college in 1984, I served in five different churches over 33 years. In the Fall of 2017, I transitioned out of local church pastoral ministry to launch Ed Funderburk Coaching & Consulting. Bethani and I base this ministry out of Gateway Church with the blessing of our leadership.  
Since 2004, I have traveled and consulted hundreds of churches nationwide. These have been the most enjoyable and productive years of my 40-year ministry career. I’ve served churches of all sizes and denominations – charismatic and traditional – church plants and established churches. SOME of those churches were growing dynamically – MANY were plateaued in their growth – OTHERS were in steep decline. 
In serving pastors and churches, I’ve discovered what I was born to do. I offer “emotionally detached” outside perspective – good old-fashioned “common sense.” If I’m honest – after consulting so many churches – I’m surprised I’m not cynical … I’ve seen so much dysfunction. However, I still believe that a healthy local church – led by healthy leaders – is the hope of the world.
 I don’t have a “cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all approach” that I try to implement at every church. Rather, I get to know each pastor and his team – then together we discover and create a customized plan to help them address their challenges and accomplish their dreams.
If you’d like to know more about me – click here: WHO I AM
To get a better understanding of the services I offer – check out: WHAT I DO
You can also watch videos from other pastors I’ve served – those are found here: WHAT THEY SAY
 My friends at ARC have taught me that the most effective ministry takes place relationally. Time has certainly proven this approach to be true. So, if you’d like to get better acquainted, please introduce yourself to me via text or email or click here: CONTACT.
It would be an honor to speak with you and learn more about your church.
I look forward to connecting with you soon!
Ed Funderburk
(817) 301-5048

What I Do


As a coach, my desire is to help pastors grow personally and professionally


As a pastor, my desire is to help connect people to their next place in ministry

Who I Am

I’m passionate about encouraging pastors to pursue personal and professional health so that they can lead and grow healthy, life-giving churches.

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What They Say

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